An Enterprise firewall appliance is a turnkey hardware/software device that has most components pre-installed and pre-configured, and manages a security policy for an entire enterprise. An enterprise firewall appliance must be able to log to a central control console to be considered enterprise ready.
Hackerproof - The LuciGate Firewall is a piece of dedicated hardware (sometimes referred to as a Firewall Appliance) that sits between your network and the outside world. Without its smartcard key, it will not allow ANY data to pass through it. It is not ...
RELIABLE SECURE VPNConnecting branch offices and remote locations securely and cost effectively FIREWALLINGNetwork perimeter protection securing IT resources and users WEB CONTENT FILTERINGRestrict access to inappropriate content and high risk sites SE ...
Data Security Firewall Hardware Appliance Our nu/dc Series Data Security hardware appliances are purpose-built with the latest multi-core Intel technology, generous RAM provisioning, and solid-state storage. Whether you’re protecting a small business or ...
Stormshield Network Security physical firewalls The hardware firewall is a stable and efficient security solution to protect corporate networks from cyber attacks. Real-time protection (intrusion prevention and detection, application control, antivirus, ...