Security conferences offer a variety of training, information, and socialization opportunities. Often training courses are offered before and after the actual conference.
Note that the year is often imbedded in the URLs for the conferences. To see upcoming conferences, you may need to change the URL slightly from the one listed here.
CanSecWest, the world's most advanced conference focusing on applied digital security, is about bringing the industry luminaries together in a relaxed environment which promotes collaboration and social networking. The conference lasts for three days and ...
Welcome to the largest underground hacking event in the world. DefCon hosts lots of small, regional meetings, and a DefCon event that coincides with the Black Hat Briefings in Las Vegas.
Since 1980, the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy has been the premier forum for presenting developments in computer security and electronic privacy, and for bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field.
The Black Hat Briefings brings together a unique mix in security: the best minds from government agencies and global corporations with the most respected independent researchers and hackers. These forums take place regularly in Las Vegas, Amsterdam, Tokyo ...
CarolinaCon is an annual conference in North Carolina that is dedicated to sharing knowledge about technology, security and information rights. CarolinaCon also serves to enhance the local and international awareness of current technology related issues ...
In order to advance the fields of IT-Incident Management and Forensics the special interest-group Security - Intrusion Detection and Response (SIDAR) of the German Informatics Society (GI) organises an annual conference, bringing together experts from thr ...
CSI Annual is the leading IT security management conference and the largest security event on the East Coast. The comprehensive program focuses on both technological as well as management solutions. The CSI Annual is designed for information security ...
The conference will bring together knowledgeable security practitioners and responsible executives from organizations such as computer and network technology providers and manufacturers, digital forensic practitioners, scientific laboratories, law enforce ...
The Asiacrypt Conferences are series of annual International Conference on Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security. The conference is sponsored by the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR), in cooperation with the ...
The State Key Laboratory of Information Security (SKLOIS) of China is one of the largest research groups in China in the area of Information Security and Cryptology. The SKLOIS conference on information security and cryptology (Inscrypt, formerly CISC) wi ...
The Computer Security Foundations Symposium is an annual conference for researchers in computer security, to examine current theories of security, the formal models that provide a context for those theories, and techniques for verifying security. It was c ...
SACMAT is a successful series of symposiums that continue the tradition, first established by the ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control, of being the premier forum for presentation of research results and experience reports on leading edge issues of a ...
FIRST conferences promote worldwide coordination and cooperation among Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs). The conference provides a forum for sharing goals, ideas, and information on how to improve global computer security. The five-day e ...
Computers are now available anytime, anywhere, by different means, and distributed unobtrusively throughout the everyday environments in which physical objects/artifacts embedded with invisible computers are sensible and networked locally and globally. Su ...
Research in pervasive computing continues to gain momentum. The importance of security and privacy in a pervasive computing environment cannot be underestimated. As in previous years, PerSec will bring together the world's experts on this topic and provid ...
Since 1996, the NordSec workshops have brought together computer security researchers and practitioners from the Nordic countries, Northern Europe, and elsewhere. The workshop is focused on applied computer security and is intended to encourage interchang ...
Information assurance and security has become an important research issue in networked and distributed information sharing environments. Finding effective ways to protect information systems, networks and sensitive data within the critical information inf ...
The advances in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have raised new opportunities for the implementation of novel applications and the provision of high quality services over global networks. The aim is to utilise this ?information societ ...
For many years, Information Hiding has captured the imagination of researchers. Digital watermarking and steganography tools are used to address digital rights management, protect information, and conceal secrets. From an investigators perspective, inform ...
The annual DIMVA conference serves as a premier forum for advancing the state of the art in intrusion detection, malware detection, and vulnerability assessment. Each year DIMVA brings together international experts from academia, industry and government ...