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Overall, Subject, and GeoPolitical Alerts

Whilst the alerts on product vulnerabilities are useful, we have introduced an Overall Alert when something big hits the security world, such as Wannacry etc. The definitions below will give an idea of the criteria considered when setting the status. 

We have also introduced more granular Subject Alert States and Geo-Political Alerts for when tensions around the world may lead to cyber security issues for everybody. 

Current Overall Alert State


Current Subject Alerts States


Overall Alert Definitions



This is the lowest envisaged Alert State for the foreseeable future.
Remain vigilant and be prepared for attack. There are no discernible issues impacting end networks or the infrastructure of the Internet.

UK Military Terminology – Stand Down
Civilian Terminology – Chillax



There is unrest in cyber space requiring increased vigilance for possible cyber disruption, such as:

  • Several severe vulnerabilities across multiple platforms (eg Patch Tuesday)
  • Increased political unrest or International hostilities between Nation States which may result in indiscriminate cyber attacks and watering hole acquisition to build botnets.
  • There is a new attack vector which is taking hold and may require mitigation but not yet raising too much cause for concern.

UK Military Terminology – Stand To
Civilian Terminology – Keep Calm and Carry On



There is a marked escalation in cyber attacks and actual effect, security staff should align their security posture to mitigate the threat and exercise possible use cases relating to the threat, the threats might include:

  • Significant degradation of the Internet infrastructure, such as loss of backbones, DDoS, DNS etc.
  • Several significant vulnerabilities which are being actively exploited and/or proving difficult to mitigate.
  • Malware which is spreading quickly and causing significant issues.
  • Outbreak of Cyber hostilities between Nation States, those nations involved go to Critical Alert State

UK Military Terminology – Watch and Shoot
Civilian Terminology – Wake Up and Smell the Coffee



There is a direct cyber threat which will impact the majority of systems and significantly hamper IT operations, this Alert State will be used sparingly.

Where the Critical Alert State can be localised, by Product Type, Attack Vector, Threat Actor or Nations, these will be reflected in the sub heading as per the example shown.

Military Terminology – Incoming, Take Cover
Civilian Terminology – OMG!