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Telephone Wardialers

Wardialers dial telephone numbers to see if the line has a data device connected  ie a standard phone or perhaps a modem, this can be used to find backdoors into your network.


We used to hold details on almost 20 wardialers, these have fallen off dramatically over the years


PhoneSweep is a robust multiline scanner that scales to meet specific requirements. It classifies answering devices as Phones, Faxes or Modems and identifies over 470 types of system. The scans can be conducted in Connect, Identify or Penetrate modes depe ...

NIKSUN PhoneSweep
Xiscan Limited

Despite the prevalence of broadband Internet connectivity, dial-up modems still play a crucial role in most medium to large organisations. With the increasing computerisation of infrastructure devices (network switches, HVAC, power management...) modems p ...
