BrightCloud Mobile App Reputation Service
The BrightCloud Mobile App Reputation Service helps vendors who provide mobile management and security solutions address the new security vulnerabilities that mobility creates. Powered by the Webroot® Intelligence Network (WIN), the service continuously analyzes applications from app stores and other online sources, identifying threats and allowing IT security admins to restrict access to applications based on individual polices and risk tolerance. Webroot partners can now integrate one of the most powerful app reputation services on the market, leveraging intelligence on millions of mobile apps to deliver safe and compliant applications.
Webroot has streamlined the process of analysis to provide concise classification and other information on mobile apps. A six-tiered classification enables Webroot partners to implement effective mobile app usage policies. This provides flexibility for MDMs, mobile carriers and app market providers to decide how to use the app information and adapt it for specific management requirements. Despite the high volume of new and available mobile apps, Webroot helps partners ensure that their customers are protected.
- Offer your customers industry-leading protection against mobile malware
- Harness intelligence from millions of sources via the world's most powerful cloud security network
- Simple integration has the flexibility to create and enforce policies based on app band classifications
- Manage daily blacklist updates and real-time app lookups through a centralized management console