Harmony Endpoint Protection
Harmony Endpoint provides comprehensive endpoint protection at the highest security level, crucial to avoid security breaches and data compromise.
Harmony Endpoint is a complete endpoint security solution built to protect the remote workforce from today’s complex threat landscape. It prevents the most imminent threats to the endpoint such as ransomware, phishing or drive-by malware, while quickly minimizing breach impact with autonomous
detection and response. This way, your organization gets all the endpoint protection it needs, at the quality it deserves, in a single, efficient, and cost-effective solution.
Advanced behavioral analysis and machine learning algorithms shut down malware before it inflicts damage
High catch rates and low false positives ensure security efficacy and effective prevention
Automated forensics data analysis offers detailed insights into threats
Full attack containment and remediation to quickly restore any infected systems
Data Protection – includes Full Disk Encryption and Removable Media Encryption, including Access Control and Port Protection