Spam Sleuth monitors your e-mail box behind the scenes and analyzes e- mail messages for spam, Web bugs, phishing scams, and virus characteristics. When your e-mail program gets your e- mail, the spam has already been removed and you can read your messages the same way you always have, but without sorting through the junk e-mail to find the gems.
Spam Sleuth requires very little configuration, removes executable attachments, gives you detailed reports, allows you to setup multiple accounts, and works with all POP3 e-mail accounts, including most company e-mail accounts, and Internet e-mail accounts.
Spam Sleuth does not support the proprietary FREE Juno. Spam Sleuth works with all e-mail programs including Eudora, Lotus Notes, Pegasus, Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape and others. It even works with MSN, AOL, free HotMail, and free Yahoo with the Spam Sleuth + Web2POP bundle. NEW! Spam Sleuth fakes spammers into thinking your e-mail doesn't exist. Spammer sees your e-mail bounce and removes your e-mail address from their list.