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Anti Spam Mail Servers

Anti Spam Products for Mail Servers

These products install on, or are part of, the mail server, and filter spam at the time of receipt by the mail server, prior to delivery to the user.


See Also

Anti Spam Gateways

Anti Spam Desktop


Trust your inbox again with cloud email security protecting your people and critical information from malware, as well as malware free phishing and impersonation attempts. Keep Imposters OutAutomatically identify your high-profile targets for malware-fre ...

Sophos Email

SpamSentinel has been stopping spam and viruses natively on Domino servers since 2003. Our motto "It just works." Included also, InboxGenius and MacroKiller The InboxGeniusSpamSentinel comes with our proprietary Inbox Genius built-in, which learns from w ...

SpamSentinel for HCL Domino
Proofpoint, Inc.

Email is the No. 1 threat vector. Social actions such as phishing and email scams arrive via email 96% of the time, and these security threats are always evolving. Proofpoint delivers the most effective unified solution to protect your people and critical ...

Proofpoint Email Security and Protection
BytePlant GmbH

CleanMail is the complete email security package: it protects you from spam and all kinds of email-borne malware like viruses and phishing mails. * Anti-Spam: CleanMail offers a wide range of different antispam filters. It also integrates the award ...

VIPRE Security

VIPRE Email Security Server is an advanced email security solution that defends networks against spam, phishing, viruses, malware, and security threats transmitted via email. Small FootprintEmail security solution integrates smoothly and perfectly with E ...

VIPRE Email Security Server
Trustwave Holdings

Trustwave MailMarshal is a sophisticated multi-layered approach to email security to reduce false positives and protect against spam, gateway attacks, viruses, phishing attempts, and malicious URLs embedded in email. It provides complete email protection ...

Trustwave MailMarshal
AVG Technologies

Essential anti-virus, anti-spyware and anti-spam protection for your email servers. * Unclutter and safeguard your email servers with email server protection Keeps your email servers free from viruses and spam, ensuring the smooth running of your vital em ...

J.A. Korsmeyer, Inc.

EMP Cloud substantially expands the former EMP on-premise feature set. Also, it will protect both on-premise email servers, as well as cloud based services such as Office 365 and Gmail.

Extensible Messaging Platform
Clearswift by HelpSystems

As the number one method of communication for most organizations, email has become one of the top sources for cybercriminals to infiltrate your systems and take hold of your critical data. Clearswift's Secure Email Gateway protects against spam, viruses, ...

ClearSwift Secure Email Gateway
MicroWorld Technologies Inc.

MailScan is the world's most advanced Real-Time Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam solution for Mail Servers. MailScan safeguards organizations against Virus, Worm, Trojan and many other malware breeds with futuristic and proactive technologies. Employing an array ...


modusGate is an on-premise email security gateway with a sophisticated multi-layered anti-spam solution. It incorporates state of the art real-time machine learning to effectively identify threats by reputation and advanced statistical models, harnessing ...

Hexamail Ltd.

Hexamail Guard ensures SPAM is eliminated at the server level with no need to install and update anti-spam software on each desktop. Unrivalled ease of installation and management of SPAM means you can get back to the important things while Hexamail Guard ...

Hexamail Guard
alt-n Technologies

MDaemon , Windows-based email server software, contains full mail server functionality and control with a strong emphasis on security to protect your email communication needs. Available in Standard and Professional editions, the purchase of MDaemon also ...

LogSat Software

We created SPAM Filter ISP to implement what many SMTP servers lack: Spam Filtering. SPAMFilter ISP's implementation is very simple. Its use is designed for ISPs and companies running their SMTP servers, not end-users. SPAM Filter ISP is designed to be a ...


SPAMfighter Exchange Module, SPAMfighter SMTP Anti Spam Server and SPAMfighter Hosted Spam Filter are the most effective and easy-to-use Spam Filters for protecting the company network against spam and phishing fraud. SPAMfighter Exchange Module (SEM), i ...

Fire Trust

MailWasher Server is an open-source, server-side junk mail filter package for businesses. MailWasher Server differs from other open-source server anti-spam packages in that it offers a polished, well-integrated web interface and built-in quarantine manage ...

GFI Software

Kerio Connect is a mail server and an all-in-one collaboration tool deployed by more than 30,000 companies around the world. It can be installed on multiple operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS and Linux. Kerio Connect is just the right size for ...

Kerio Connect