This course will give the ultimate comparison of classic Windows attacks directed at Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 networks. Using the unique Foundstone Hands-On approach and an innovative parallel learning technique, you will execute all demonstrations, labs and techniques against Windows 2000 servers and Windows 2003 servers in parallel. Windows XP will be your attack platform. Ever wondered how Microsoft addressed the null session enumeration problem in Windows 2003 and what exactly it looks like? Do L0phtcrack and John the Ripper still crack Windows 2003 passwords? Can you sniff login credentials between XP Professional and Windows 2003 servers, even with Kerberos? How does Internet Connection Firewall work and what are it?s limitations. Get the answers to these and many other Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 questions in a Hands-On environment with the experts from Foundstone.