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Tags: penetration testing

The WiFi Pineapple is a unique device developed by Hak5 for the purpose of WiFi auditing and penetration testing. Since 2008 the WiFi Pineapple has grown to encompass the best rogue access point features, unique purpose-built hardware, intuitive web inter ...

Category Geeky Gadgets
WiFI Pineapple Mark V Standard
High-Tech Bridge

ImmuniWeb - Web Penetration Testing. ImmuniWeb is a web application security and penetration testing service from High-Tech Bridge. It combines managed vulnerability scanning with manual penetration testing.


This training course is a series of educational interactive training sessions where the attendees will gain hands-on experience. They will be able to identify security flaws in web applications customised or built for the training course. They will also b ...

Category Ethical Hacking
Hands-On Web Application Penetration Testing Training