PT Application Firewall
Positive Technologies Application Firewall (PT AF) is a modern response to the constantly evolving web threat landscape. It combines real-time analytics, innovative technologies, and proven approaches to deliver proactive and continuous protection of all your internet-accessible applications against both known and unknown attacks. This includes the OWASP Top 10, automated and client-side attacks, and zero-days.
Proactive DDoS Defence
Profiling with behavioural analysis improves application security - and even allows predicting how an attack will unfold.
Automatic blocking of zero-day attacks
Multiple techniques, based on machine learning algorithms, combine to flag anomalies and automatically stop never-seen before threats.
Targeted Protection
Built-in security scanners, plus AT application inspector integration, detect vulnerabilities in application source code and block attack attempts.
Stopping attacks on users
Application users stay safe thanks to the client-side WAF.js module, data masking, and granular access settings.
Pinpoint protection from bot attacks
Modelling of user behaviour makes it easy to identify bots and thwart automated attacked without slowing legitimate traffic.
Full Security for web and mobile APIs
Threats to web and mobile APIs are stopped by analysis of JSON and XML Data, as well as Approov integration.