Powerful security for your online world, with convenience. 1 platform, 3 products to choose from.
Whether you need to make managing your passwords a no-brainer, or share files securely with your team members, or keep hackers out of your life, we can make it a breeze to be secure. Get all 3 products for total online protection!
ENTERPRISE - Do you think you might forget your master password?
No more master password with LogMeOnce! Go PasswordLess and access your account using your trusted mobile device. LogMeOnce offers a variety of login options with automatic 2FA.
IDENTITY THEFT PROTECTION - Worried about hackers stealing your passwords?
With LogMeOnce, you have extra measures to protect yourself. Automatically monitor the dark web to ensure your credentials are not stolen, plus use our tools to prevent account takeovers.
CLOUD STORAGE PROTECTOR - Why not protect your files stored in the cloud, too?
What happens if your cloud storage gets hacked? With LogMeOnce, your cloud files in Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive are encrypted in real time from end-to-end using AES 256-bit Encryption.